Lakewood Dental Common Reasons Why You Might Need Dental Work

When oral issues arise, it’s tempting to ignore them, especially if you’re not in any pain…yet. But, if left unchecked, some dental problems can quickly lead to significant discomfort and dysfunction. Knowing when to get dental work and why could end up saving your smile (and budget!). That’s why our general dentistry center in Dallas, […]

When oral issues arise, it’s tempting to ignore them, especially if you’re not in any pain…yet. But, if left unchecked, some dental problems can quickly lead to significant discomfort and dysfunction. Knowing when to get dental work and why could end up saving your smile (and budget!). That’s why our general dentistry center in Dallas, TX, is here to help.

Are you experiencing oral pain or dysfunction? Don’t wait – contact the team at Lakewood Dental Group. Drs. Shaun Sigurdson and Mihir Patel use modern solutions at affordable prices to restore and enhance your smile. Get started today by calling (214) 827-1885 or by sending us a brief message here.

In this blog post, our Dallas dentists go over common reasons why you might need dental work. Even if you don’t think you need it, getting dental work sooner rather than later could prevent conditions from getting worse.

You Chipped a Tooth

This is a common dental injury that usually does not result in significant pain or oral issues. However, a chipped tooth is weaker than an intact tooth. This means that a chipped tooth is susceptible to continued breakage in the future if left unmended. 

So, even if it’s minor, a chipped tooth requires some dental work. Simple solutions (like tooth-colored dental fillings) can fill in chips and strengthen teeth against continued damage. Fillings also protect teeth against invading bacteria, which can keep pesky root canal infections at bay.

You Need Dental Work For a Broken a Tooth

A broken tooth is more severe than a chipped tooth. This means that dental work is required to prevent further issues.

A cracked, fractured, or broken tooth is extremely painful. This dental injury also leaves the sensitive insides of our teeth (dentin) exposed to external elements, like bacteria and food debris. Once germs and food get inside a cracked tooth, then a root canal infection is likely to take hold.

Swift treatment is crucial for broken teeth. A common and remarkably long-lasting treatment option is dental crowns (many last for 15 years or longer!). These dental prosthetics closely mimic the look and function of the natural teeth that they cover. The result is seamless protection that looks as great as it feels!

You Have a Cavity

Did you know that cavities can spread to the other teeth in our mouths? It’s true – cavities are contagious. But, that’s not all. 

Cavities can spread to your loved ones, too (and vice versa!). That’s right – swapping kisses can give you or your loved ones cavities. That’s why it is so important to treat cavities as they arise.

Dental decay is among the most common issues that require dental work. But, fortunately, many simple solutions (like dental fillings) are enough to keep cavities from spreading. However, a very deep or wide cavity may require a dental crown for 360° protection.

You Have a Root Canal Infection

A root canal infection is often the result of untreated cavities and dental damage. These infections take place deep inside a tooth, resulting in significant pain. In some cases, a root canal infection may result in a pus-filled sac (abscess) that must be drained by a professional.

Antibiotics are required for root canal infections. Otherwise, the infection may spread to the bloodstream and travel throughout the body. 

In addition to antibiotics, a skilled dentist must remove the infected material inside the tooth. This process is called root canal therapy.

After removing all of the infection, the dentist can plug the empty space inside the tooth with a rubber-like substance. Once completely plugged, the dentist can then place a protective dental crown over the tooth, shielding it from future damage and complications.

You Have Bite or Alignment Issues

The way our teeth and jaws interact with each other is important. Even tiny changes in dental or jaw position can result in lasting dysfunction, serious pain, and accidental damage.

In fact, malocclusions and dental misalignments may be responsible for a slew of oral issues, such as:

  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs)
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Chipped, cracked, or fractured teeth
  • Cavities

Luckily, patients can address malocclusions and misalignments with comprehensive dental work and orthodontia

Simply reshaping teeth with tooth contouring or dental bonding can improve the contact between teeth, which helps prevent dysfunction and damage. It also improves the overall appearance of teeth to enhance the brilliance of your smile.

Alternatively, orthodontia (like Invisalign®) can slowly reposition teeth over time, effectively fixing harmful alignment issues. While Invisalign takes much longer than tooth contouring or dental bonding, many patients can correct minor misalignments in as few as six to eight months!

You Want to Prepare for Upcoming Dental Work (like Dental Implants!)

Dental implants are small rods of strong metal (usually titanium or zirconium) that a dentist can use to replace missing tooth roots. Once the metal rod fuses to the jawbone, then the dentist can place a personalized restoration (like a crown or bridge) on top of the implant. With the restoration securely attached to the implant, patients can permanently and comfortably address tooth loss.

Ordinarily, dental implants have an incredibly high success rate, with many experts estimating at least a 98% survival rate over five years. But, jawbone recession can drastically affect the long-term results of dental implant surgery.

Luckily, there is preparatory dental work that can help patients rebuild weak jawbones to get ready for dental implants. One such procedure is dental bone grafting.

Dental bone grafting takes donor tissue (whether biological or synthetic) and places it over areas of weakness. Over time, the donor tissue fuses with the natural bone tissue, effectively fortifying the jaw in preparation for implants.

Need to schedule dental work? We can help!

There are plenty of reasons why you might need dental work. But, you don’t need to go through it alone. Let the team at Lakewood Dental Group help you figure out which treatments you need to benefit your smile and budget. All patients can easily reach our team online here, or they may call our dental office in Dallas at (214) 827-1885 for scheduling.