Lakewood Dental Weighing the Pros and Cons: Dental Implants vs. Traditional Dentures

When it comes to restoring a confident smile and addressing tooth loss, individuals are often presented with various options. Among the most common choices are dental implants and traditional dentures. Both solutions have their unique advantages and drawbacks, catering to different needs and preferences.  Knowing which solution is right for you can be hard. Let […]

When it comes to restoring a confident smile and addressing tooth loss, individuals are often presented with various options. Among the most common choices are dental implants and traditional dentures. Both solutions have their unique advantages and drawbacks, catering to different needs and preferences. 

Knowing which solution is right for you can be hard. Let the team at Lakewood Dental Group help. Our dentists in Dallas, TX, can evaluate your oral health and make tooth-replacement recommendations based on your budget and lifestyle. Contact Dr. Mihir Patel and Dr. Shaun Sigurdson at (214) 827-1885 to schedule a consultation today!

In today’s blog post, we want to explore the pros and cons of dental implants and traditional dentures. Reviewing the advantages and drawbacks of each can help you make an informed decision about which option is best suited for your smile and lifestyle.

Dental Implants: A Permanent Solution for a Lasting Smile

Dental implants are a remarkably stable and long-lasting way for patients to address tooth loss. An oral surgeon or skilled dentist embeds these prosthetic devices into the jawbone where it permanently fuses with the bone tissue. The result is an artificial tooth root that can securely hold a dental restoration, like a crown, bridge, or even a full set of dentures.

Dental Implant Pros

There are many advantages to getting tooth implants, including:

Real Look and Feel

Dental implants are renowned for their ability to closely imitate the look, function, and sensation of natural teeth. This is because the implants consist of a titanium post anchored into the jawbone with an accompanying restoration, like dentures, a bridge, or a crown. 


One of the standout advantages of dental implants is their longevity. With proper care, the implants themselves can last a lifetime. This durability makes them a cost-effective and sustainable solution for those seeking a permanent tooth replacement option.

Preservation of Jawbone

After tooth loss, the health of a jawbone can decline rapidly. Dental implants can help patients avoid jawbone atrophy by stimulating nerves and encouraging proper blood flow. As a result, patients with implants not only maintain their natural facial structure but also enhance their overall oral health.

No Impact on Speech

Unlike some traditional dentures, implants do not interfere with speech. Since they are securely anchored in the jaw, there’s no risk of slippage or discomfort that might affect the ability to speak clearly.

Ease of Maintenance

Dental implants require no special maintenance beyond regular oral hygiene practices. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are usually sufficient to keep implants in optimal condition.

Dental Implant Cons

While dental implants come with very few disadvantages, there are a few downsides to consider, such as:


Dental implants tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional dentures. However, many individuals view this as a long-term investment in their oral health and quality of life.

Surgical Procedure

Implant placement involves a surgical procedure to embed the titanium post into the jawbone. While advancements in technology have made this process less invasive, it may still be a concern for individuals with dental anxiety.

Healing Time

It takes time for the jawbone to heal and fuse with the implant, requiring a lengthy recovery period. This means that the entire process, from implant placement to receiving the final prosthetic tooth, can take several months.

Traditional Dentures: A Time-Tested Option with Flexibility

Traditional dentures are a great way for patients to address tooth loss. These removable prosthetics look like a set of natural teeth attached to real-life gum tissue. With proper care, traditional dentures can be an easy, cost-effective, and long-lasting solution to dealing with tooth loss. 

Traditional Dentures Pros

Traditional dentures are a popular choice among patients with missing teeth for several reasons, including:


Compared to tooth implants, traditional dentures tend to be a more budget-friendly option for patients upfront. This makes them an accessible option for individuals on a tighter budget.

Non-Invasive Procedure

Unlike dental implants, traditional denture treatment does not involve any surgery. This can be a significant advantage for those who are averse to surgical procedures or have health conditions that may preclude them from undergoing surgery.

Immediate Results

Dental professionals can craft removable dentures relatively quickly, providing a swift solution for individuals seeking immediate tooth replacement. This is particularly advantageous for those who may not want to wait for the healing process associated with dental implants.


Dentures are adjustable, which means that patients can easily get them modified if changes in their oral structure occur. This flexibility makes them suitable for individuals whose oral health may undergo fluctuations.

Traditional Dentures Cons

While traditional dentures may be a great solution for most patients, there are a few downsides, including:

Lack of Stability

One of the primary drawbacks of traditional dentures is their potential to slip or shift in the mouth, especially during activities like eating or speaking. This can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for some dentures wearers.

Impact on Taste and Sensation

Traditional dentures may cover the palate, affecting one’s sense of taste and temperature perception. Some individuals find this adjustment challenging, especially when it comes to enjoying food.

Replacement Frequency

Unlike dental implants (which dental professionals design for lifelong use), traditional dentures may need replacement every five to 10 years due to wear and changes in the oral structure.

Maintenance Requirements

Dentures demand meticulous care. Wearers must remove and clean them regularly to prevent gum irritation and oral infections. Additionally, patients must use gentle cleansers to clean their appliances and store them in water when not in use to prevent accidental damage.

Choosing the Right Option: Personal Factors Matter

The decision between dental implants and traditional dentures ultimately boils down to personal preferences, lifestyle, and individual oral health considerations.

Consider Dental Implants if:

  • You prioritize a natural look and feel
  • Long-term durability is a key factor for you
  • You are willing to invest in a higher upfront cost for a lasting solution
  • You are looking to preserve jawbone density

Consider Traditional Dentures if:

  • Affordability is a primary concern
  • You prefer a non-invasive procedure without surgery
  • Immediate results are crucial for your needs
  • Adjustability and flexibility are important factors for you

Explore Dentures and Dental Implants in Dallas, TX

Whether you opt for dental implants or traditional dentures, both solutions offer distinct benefits. It’s essential to consult with the dentists at Lakewood Dental Group to see which option is best for you. Schedule your consultation online now or dial (214) 827-1885 to request more information, get personalized advice, or book an appointment. 

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