Bone Grafting

At Lakewood Dental Group, Dr. Shaun Sigurdson and Dr. Mihir Patel perform bone grafting procedures to help patients strengthen weak bone tissue in preparation for dental implants and dentures or to prevent worsening oral health conditions.

Gum disease and tooth loss can lead to significant jawbone deterioration. If left untreated, prolonged jawbone deterioration can lead to further tooth loss, considerable gum recession, and declining oral health. Luckily, our dentists in Dallas, TX, can help you reinforce your jawbone and reclaim your oral health with dental bone grafting.

At Lakewood Dental Group, Dr. Shaun Sigurdson and Dr. Mihir Patel perform bone grafting procedures to help patients strengthen weak bone tissue in preparation for dental implants and dentures or to prevent worsening oral health conditions. While bone grafting may seem scary, this transformative procedure is relatively quick, easy, and painless.

What is dental bone grafting?

When areas of weakness or low density occur in the jawbone, Dr. Sigurdson and Dr. Patel can reinforce the area with biocompatible bone grafting material. In some cases, our team can take bone tissue from the patient’s own oral cavity to strengthen weak bone tissue. However, other materials may be used, such as:

  • Human donor tissue
  • Animal tissue
  • Synthetic material

Ultimately, Dr. Sigurdson and Dr. Patel will help patients choose the safest, most effective material to strengthen areas of low bone density.

How does bone grafting work?

The graft acts as a reinforcement around which the patient’s natural bone tissue can take hold and regenerate. Without a bone graft, areas of weakness and low density will continue to degenerate over time, which can lead to declining oral health, tooth loss, and poor oral function.

Why do I need a bone graft?

There are a few reasons why Dr. Sigurdson and Dr. Patel might recommend a dental bone graft, including:

  • Tooth extractions: Healthy teeth encourage proper bone growth. When teeth are pulled, the jawbone no longer has anything to encourage normal bone regeneration. A bone graft, however, helps the bone tissue repair and reinforce itself, which leads to healthier, stronger jaws.
  • Dental implant preparation: Dental implants are small titanium posts that Dr. Sigurdson and Dr. Patel insert directly into the jawbone. These posts hold custom appliances–like crowns, bridges or dentures–securely in place. But, if patients don’t have sufficient bone density, then our team cannot safely place the implants. Bone grafting reinforces areas of low volume, which then allows patients to restore their oral function and appearance with sturdy dental implants.
  • Removable dentures construction: Dentures are dental prosthetics that use gum and bone tissue to hold them in place. Because tooth loss can quickly deteriorate the jawbone, many patients must improve their bone density with a dental bone graft before they can comfortably wear dentures. Otherwise, dentures will not hold their position and may slip or fall out.
  • Bone-destroying gum disease: It’s not uncommon for gum disease to wreak havoc on the jawbone. Dental bone grafting allows damaged tissue to heal and regenerate, which prevents further bone degeneration, gum recession, and tooth loss.

Does dental bone grafting hurt?

Dr. Sigurdson and Dr. Patel ensure their patients’ comfort by using local anesthesia to completely numb the treatment area. Subsequently, patients will not feel any pain during their procedure. However, some mild pain or discomfort may occur after the local anesthesia wears off.

Patients should closely follow their bone-grafting aftercare instructions to limit postoperative pain, swelling, and complications.

Ask Us If Bone Grafting Is Right For You

Do you need a knowledgeable Lakewood dentist to help you determine if bone grafting is right for you? If so, then schedule an appointment with the caring team at Lakewood Dental Group today.

We welcome all new and existing patients! Give us a call at (214) 827-1885 or request an appointment online here to get started.

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